Our First Christmas Tree

Happy December!

And to many of my fellow bloggers out there, happy Blogmas! Your posts over the past few days have been awesome and I have decided to jump on the Blogmas bandwagon to some extent (read: getting back into actually posting). Now that George and I are “grown ups” living in our first apartment together, I wanted to start our own Christmas traditions and that all starts with our first ever tree!


After three long years of long distance and many Christmases no longer getting to set up the tree with our families, we finally got to set up and decorate a tree again. We hauled our butts out of bed on Sunday morning and headed to the high street to pick out the perfect plastic tree and sparkly baubles.


We attempted to go for some kind of classic green and red theme but ended up with a whole mess of baubles because the gold sparkly ones were just so PRETTY. I also picked up a little elf friend that's sitting on top of the tree text to the star and watching over it. I find him to be infinitely less creepy than those devil-spawn elf on a shelf things… I never had one as a child and they honestly look like Christmas Chucky's to me. Anyway, moving on.


Christmas has always been a time for family for the both of us and decorating the tree was always the first taste of Christmas in both of our households. There's just something about arguing with the family about what decorations go where and who gets to put the star on the tree that just screams Christmas, you know? After missing out on those little things while we were at university, it felt good to get to do all that again, except this time we were both tall enough to put the star on the tree so we did it together (barf, I know, but sue me we're in love).


Oh, and yes I 100% did a photoshoot with our tree and that red background is the red blanket you see me cuddled up in, in all of my Instagram photos (shameless plug - follow me for more red blanket content). That last photo is a little peek behind the blogger curtain or in my case, the blogger red blanket… And that's about as much as I can say about the 4ft wonder that is our first tree. We're planning on grabbing some stockings and a handful of other Christmassy bits and pieces from Winter Wonderland, so get ready for the Christmas haul post!

Until next time,
