Graduation Day

I graduated from University! And with a first class degree, no less! I am SO proud of myself. University was a whirlwind of experiences which culminated in my graduation day. A day that I was skeptical about to begin with, which then became one of the happiest and proudest days of my life. 


University for me was a whirlwind of experiences of both good and bad. As I'm someone who tends to feel things to the extremes, you can imagine that when it was good it was great, but when it was bad it was terrible. After my less-than-pleasant school years with less-than-pleasant teachers, and a first year where I was still getting a handle on my anxiety, receiving my degree felt like the giant who had been crushing me all these years had finally lifted his thumb. 


Getting to celebrate my hard work and achievements over the year with my family was also amazing. It's rare that the whole family is together and it makes me so happy that they came together for me. I'm especially proud that I made family history by being one of the first Burkhardt's to ever graduate from University! 


To end this little post, I'm about to open up so get your crackers ready because here comes the cheese ~ I wouldn't have ever come this close to getting my degree if it weren't for my family. They have supported me so much and so wholeheartedly from day one, even though drama wasn't necessarily their first choice of degree for me. I am so grateful and thankful that my parents worked so hard to get me into a good school and always encouraged me to do my best. It really paid off! 
