Introduction | Soph.Curates

As I hope you all know by now, I’m off to Uganda in less than a week! Aside from being so hyped to help out a local community and visit Africa for the first time, I’ve also planned a lot of exciting content for the weeks I’ll be away. I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by hundreds of creative people every day from theatre makers to artists to musicians. As a result of my own infatuation with how people I know can be so good at things, I give to you - Soph.Curates. 

Soph.Curates is going to be a month-long project where my blog will be taken over by my artist friends! Each week will be themed in a different area of what they’re doing and of course, I encourage you to go and support them as they all bloody well deserve it. 

All the posts will be scheduled and "normal" posts will resume in July. I can't wait for you to meet all the lovely people whose posts brighten up all of my daily feeds. 

Enjoy and as always,
Until next time friends, 
Soph x