What even is soph.creates?

Hello friends! 

Today I want to talk about metamorphosis and this blog. A couple of days ago, while I was attempting to make my first ever media kit, I realised that I have no idea what this is. I was writing away the day and thought to myself, what even IS soph.creates? Is it a blog? Is it a portfolio? Is it just a website with a super-dope-amazing name? And then I thought if even I don’t know what this is, then how are YOU, dear reader, meant to know. Well, today we’re going to go through the history of this thing, where it came from, why it was made, and how it is going through its next metamorphosis right now! 



soph.creates was originally created back in 2016 with the intention of being a place where I could be freely creative without abandon. It was a space for me to just write creatively and openly, to hold myself accountable for projects, to take more photos that I want people to see, and to become basically an online scrapbook of whatever it is I wanted to create. This is where the name soph.creates came from. It’s just me, creating stuff. Easy. 

Since the digital birth of soph.creates, it has flourished into a half-assed blog/portfolio of some wonderful posts that spark joy and some absolute shitposts that help me to check my ego at the door. It is a real hot-pot of posts from poetry to travel guides to straight up opinion pieces about what it’s like to grow up German, there is such a huge archive of stuff it is truly amazing to see how much I have actually created and shared over the years.  But, it is also incredibly overwhelming and messy and difficult to really pin down exactly what this is. Until now, because for once, I actually sat down and had a think about what it is I want to achieve and how I intend on achieving it. Which led me to… 



Oh my goodness. That feels good to yell out on the internet. This revelation has helped me frame so much of my life in the past few months that a whole post is going to be out about this soon, but in terms of my little blog, it means that soph.creates is going to glow-up to become a slightly more organised version of what it already was. My blog is growing up with me as I move onto the next phase of my life, which will involve more travelling, better cooking, and sharing way more stories about personal growth, coming to terms with what it means to be an adult, and sharing random hobbies I pick up along the way. 

This may sound like a lot of stuff but that’s the point. Humans are multifaceted. I am multifaceted. I refuse to let the idea of having a blogging niche make me second guess everything I want to post because at the end of the day this is a space I have created for me to create and collaborate however I see fit. 



YES. The reason I’m choosing to phrase this as a metamorphosis is that the fundamentals of this blog are not going to change, but the way that I present them is changing. For starters, the way my blog looks is now completely different to yesterday. Here’s a nifty side by side for you to see. 

old soph.creates - pre-super amazing metamorphosis

old soph.creates - pre-super amazing metamorphosis

NEW soph.creates - post-super amazing metamorphosis

NEW soph.creates - post-super amazing metamorphosis

Physical changes aside, this little blog is going to become a little more candid, a little more fun, and it’s actually going to be filled up with some interesting content. I’ve got so much planned in terms of interesting guest posts on a wide range of topics, new travel guides so you can follow me on my adventures around the world, and a nice handful of baking recipes and Netflix suggestions. (I know we’re not all globetrotters!) 

So, to conclude this big mess of thoughts, I sat down to brainstorm the answers to the questions what even IS soph.creates? Is it a blog? Is it a portfolio? Is it just a website with a super-dope-amazing name? and realised that it is, and always has been, all of those things. I realised that not really knowing what you want to achieve with something you are creating means that it can get difficult to explain who you are, what you want, and where you are going. That feeling can and DID make me feel so directionless and even hindered my progress with whatever I was creating, which was less than ideal. But now that I have answered those questions it’s time to move forward. Like a Sim at a birthday party, it is time for my blog to undergo a quick, weird, and wacky glow-up. So today, June 1st, 2019 - I am presenting you with a new an improved soph.creates.

Until next time,


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PSST! This is a secret little addendum. From now on, you'll see this fancy little coffee picture down here. It links to my Ko-fi page! Ko-fi is a little service I have decided to implement on my blog as a virtual tip jar.

If you like the content I'm producing and would like to support me in continuing to run this blog then you can click the picture and buy me a coffee to help out.

You may also see THIS button lurking around, which will lead you to it as well.

Thank you for all your support this far! I'm so excited to see where this little blog is headed in the future.